Thursday 2 May 2013

website up and let loose in the wild

Coming up with a name for my website was harder than I thought! Last week I was happy with, but after sleeping on it for a few nights it started to sound far too boring and functional. I'm sure you agree :-) So, how to brand myself? The obvious thing would be to try to bring in some influence from my former life as an astronomer. So my thoughts went to things like astroyoga, starburstyoga, and all manner of terribly cheesy or astrological sounding names... It was on the bike, cycling from Herne Hill to Brixton that the (roughly) alliterative name YourUniverseYoga came to me. I couldn't think of anything better, so it's stuck!

And thanks to my girlfriend's sister for recommending Weebly as a free web-based package for putting together the content in a kind of drag-and-drop way.

The name ties in quite well with the name of this blog, and leaves it open for possible future connections with astronomy/physics (I've got some ideas bubbling around, which I'm sure will surface in a future post). For now, I'm happy with the tag-line "So that your inner universe relates better to the whole Universe".

So, with a website and a new e-mail address I can start my advertising campaign! CVs, flyers, posters and FB here we come...

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